ArtePiazza, the renowned Japanese studio known for its work on the Dragon Quest series, has been revealed as the developer behind the highly anticipated Super Mario RPG remake for the Nintendo Switch. With their history of involvement in CG design for early Dragon Quest titles and producing remakes for the PS2 and Nintendo DS, ArtePiazza brings a wealth of experience to this project.
Leading the remake is Ayako Moriwaki from Nintendo EPD, who has previously contributed to popular games such as Pikmin 4, Yoshi’s Crafted World, and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Collaborating closely with other members from Nintendo EPD, including those responsible for art direction, graphics, and UI, the team ensures a cohesive and visually pleasing gaming experience.
One notable addition to the team is Nintendo Pictures, a recently formed animation studio responsible for the character art and animation in the remake. This brings a fresh perspective and lends a contemporary touch to the beloved Super Mario RPG.
Fans of the original can rejoice, as key members from the original development team have also returned for the remake. Event designer Taro Kudo, co-director Yoshihiko Maekawa, and iconic composer Yoko Shimomura have all contributed their talents to ensure that the essence and charm of the original game remains intact.
While Square Enix’s involvement in the remake was primarily limited to supervision, it is worth noting that Chihiro Fujioka, co-director of the original SNES game, expressed excitement about playing the remake, despite not being directly involved in its development.
The Super Mario RPG remake offers players the unique opportunity to switch between the new visuals and the original pre-rendered sprites and soundtrack, ensuring an authentic gaming experience that caters to both nostalgic fans and newcomers alike.
With its release drawing closer, the game has garnered immense anticipation within the gaming community. Even in 2023, the remake continues to hold up well and promise a delightful adventure for players of all ages. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated release!
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